Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekend: Moray, Salineras and Cusco

 These circular terraces at Moray were used by the Inca to grow crops. Each level has its own "microclimate." There is a temperature difference of up to 25 degrees fahrenheit between the top and bottom.
 These salineras or salt mines have been functional for more than 400 years. Each pool is managed by a single family, and the salt is sold throughout the Sacred Valley and Cusco.
 This is the cathedral in Plaza de Armas in Cusco, which is the center of the tourist area. The hostel we stayed at was about 2 blocks from here. At this hostel, I ran into someone with whom I went to high school, Matt Boitano. It is a small world.
The ruins of Sacsayhuaman, which was an Incan fort, is HUGE. Some of the boulders used to make the walls are more than 8 meters tall.

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