Friday, July 8, 2011

Urubamba: Week One

 Tarwi with plantains and rice for lunch.
 The family dog, Killa.
 My 2-year-old sister, Killary. She likes to beat me up.
 The Wednesday Market in Urubamba.
The view from the ProPeru office.

It has been one week since I left from the US. While I do miss my friends, family, and Robert, I have quickly become close with my family and the other volunteers here. I am working with a second grade class at a public school near my house, and so far it has been wonderful. The kids are exhausting, but very affectionate and playful.

Tomorrow I am going to Ollantaytambo with the other volunteers to visit the ruins there. This will be our first excursion from Urubamba, and I am definitely excited.  On Sunday we are going to Pisac, which also has ruins but is more known for their craft market.

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